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Regret (Prose Fiction)

     Regret (>﹏<)

        This is a story that was told to me by a teacher named Miss Laura during my final School Based Experience. It is about a girl named Qalish who had a best friend named Naurah. Naurah was from an affluent family while Qalish was from an impoverished family. Despite of their background status, they always able to accept each other. However, Qalish was always teased by other friends. She got called donkey because she always got the lowest grade. She was bullied by her classmates who lived by their daddy's money. This heartrending thing happened right after Naurah unexpectedly had to migrate to Italy due to their family's business. Back then when Naurah was around, she always tried as best as she could to protect her very own best friend, Qalish from the bullies but it is impossible now. When Qalish returned home, her parents will hit her because of all the bruises she had on her face and arms from being tortured by her friends. "You are such a loser for being bullied by your friends". Those were the words that leave a lifetime scars in her heart.

        All of this happened until one day, Qalish had enough of it and decided to hit back her friends. It shocked Naurah knowing Qalish had turned into a monster. Not only she did physical bullying, she also commit cyberbullying and relational aggression.  Following everything that had occurred, she realised she was on her own and lacking a friend or partner with whom she could converse and exchange stories since nobody wanted to be her friends. Until one day, when she walked back from school,  she stumbled onto an orange-coloured stray cat nearby her house and decided to take it home since she was mesmerized by its shimmering, glistening nature eyes. She named the cat after her favourite food, sushi. She spends time with Sushi longer than she could ever remembered and she has started to slowly return to her old self. On a warm day, they headed to the beach. On a typical day, they shared a meal, took a very long nap, and then went out to have fun. They walked miles and miles and they never got tired. She felt like Sushi was the part of her life that was missing. 

        Everything was going well, and they had a great friendship, until a terrible accident occured. Qalish made a terrible mistake of leaving the door of her house wide open. Sushi got out of the house and Qalish ran after it. They ran a lot of miles until Sushi stopped. Qalish was insanely angry at Sushi so she dragged Sushi into the house. She then returned to her bad, old self and started to hit Sushi and locked it up in the house. She neglected Sushi and did not give her food until it took its last breath and died. 

        After that incident, she had become worse and did not come to school ever since. Miss Laura who was her class teacher got worried and consulted her. At first, she doubted her decision as she is afraid that she might makes it even worse. But as a teacher, Miss Laura took the responsibility to support and monitor her student's process to change for the better. She just knew the reasons Qalish did so are because of her past traumas with her parents and friends. Then, she met Qalish's parents and discussed about her condition and told them not to hit her again as it really interrupted her self development in many aspects. 

        From that day forward, Qalish started to make some friends and became better. Whenever the bullies wanted to come near her, she will always go back to Miss Laura to find motivation and solution. Miss Laura had her promised to not go back to her old self ever again.   

        Up to the present moment, Qalish never forgets to write letters to her favourite teacher from United States of America. She is now pursuing her masters. The words that are written in the letter that keep Miss Laura proud is 

 "you, dear teacher, is my blessing that I count more than twice because you guide me when I am lost".



  2. Very interesting choice of vocabulary words! Well done!!🥰

  3. very cute & interestingggggggggg i like:33

  4. Not just having duality of cute and interesting, this writing deserve loves and recognition. Anyone please this is magical!!! Help this author to be fame in the industry of writing. Good Luck!!

  5. This is such a great story! It touches my heart in a good way. The choice of words used are also very interesting. You should consider writing more in the future 🥰🥰

  6. Very interesting, you should be an author one day!

  7. interesting storyyyy!!

  8. a great character development fromm qalishh!

  9. You should totally ditch teaching and become a full time writer!


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